Issues we work on

The ERRC has prioritised our work on certain
human rights issues. These areas are where
we feel discriminatory practices are preventing
full equality for Roma the most in Europe,
and where we beleive we can effect the
greatest change through our work.



Despite clear court rulings condemning school segregation, Romani girls and boys are segregated in perversely ...

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As a result of centuries of discrimination, Roma are disproportionately likely to live in slums, and/or on ...

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One particularly common feature of antigypsyism is the propagation of panic around the migration of Roma. ...

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Many Roma, especially outside the EU, are much more likely than others not to have identity documents, and/or ...

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Roma have good reason to mistrust the police. Failures to investigate police brutality or other hate crimes ...

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Roma die younger than non-Roma[2] and face numerous indignities in healthcare, including violence from ...

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Romani girls and boys are taken into care and placed in institutions or with foster families at a much higher ...

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Challenge discrimination, promote equality


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